61 Fun Sherlock Holmes Trivia Questions And Answers

61 Fun Sherlock Holmes Trivia Questions And Answers

Sherlock Holmes and Watson were hired by a secret society to foil the plan of a mysticist who wanted to control the whole of Britain. The following trivia questions and answers will help you know how well you know this movie. This Sherlock Holmes trivia game will help you unpack some interesting scenes and actions in this interesting movie and also help to uncover some interesting facts you might have missed in the movie. Sit back and enjoy this Fascinating Sherlock Holmes Trivia game because you will find out soon that this trivia game is as fun as the movie itself. Check the correct answers by clicking on the “Show Answer” button.

Photograph: Alex Bailey/AP

1. In which city did the story of this movie start?
A. New York
B. London
C. Paris


2. What is the name of the partner of Sherlock Holmes?
A. James Watson
B. Paul Watson
C. John Watson


3. The both of them prevented the ritualistic murder of who?
A. A man
B. A woman
C. A child


4. Who was the person behind the activities of the attempted murder?
A. Lord Henry Blackwood
B. Lord John Blackwood
C. Lord James Blackwood



5. How many people have this person killed in this same manner in the past?
A. 6 people
B. 5 people
C. 8 people


6. What is the name of the inspector that arrested Blackwood?
A. Inspector Lestrade
B. Inspector Pastrade
C. Inspector Westrade


7. How many months did it take after the incident of the attempted murder for Watson to get engaged?
A. 3 months
B. 4 months
C. 5 months


8. Who was Watson engaged to?
A. Caro Mortsan
B. Lizzy Mortsan
C. Mary Morstan


9. What is the name of the street that Watson moved out from after his engagement?
A. Lincoln Street
B. Baker Street
C. Wilson Street


10. Blackwood claimed to have what?
A. Super powers
B. Explosives
C. Chemical weapons


11. After Watson got engaged, he looked forward to escaping Sherlock’s what?
A. Office
B. Commands
C. Eccentricities


12. What was the nature of the sentence that Blackwood received?
A. Life imprisonment
B. Death sentence
C. 50 years imprisonment


13. Who did Blackwood request to see before he was taken away?
A. Sherlock Holmes
B. Watson
C. Police commissioner


14. Blackwood said that there will be how many unstoppable deaths that will cause great changes to the world?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four


15. How was Blackwood killed after he made that revelation?
A. Shot with gun
B. Drowned
C. Hanged


16. After the death of Blackwood, who visited Sherlock Holmes?
A. Irene Adler
B. Barbara Adler
C. Lizzy Adler


17. After her visit, she told Sherlock Holmes to find which man for her?
A. John
B. Jones
C. Luke



18. After Sherlock’s visitor left, what did Sherlock do?
A. Stay at the office
B. Follow her
C. Peep through the window


19. Sherlock’s visitor meets with who after she visited Sherlock?
A. Her employer
B. Her employee
C. Her partner


20. Sherlock found out the missing person that his visitor wanted him to find was a?
A. Policeman
B. Professor
C. Paramedic


21. Sherlock found out that the behavior of the missing man towards Adler was that of?
A. Love
B. Hatred
C. Intimidation


22. Sightings of a living Blackwood and discovery of what convinced the authorities that he was still alive?
A. Discovery of his empty grave
B. Discovery of his hidden workplace
C. Discovery of his footprints


23. Who was found dead inside Blackwood’s coffin?
A. Watson
B. Sherlock
C. Reordan


24. What was the name of the US ambassador?
A. Washington
B. Daniel
C. Standish


25. The name of the home secretary was?
A. Lord Coward
B. Lord James
C. Lord John


26. Holmes and Watson find Reordan’s hideout and discover experiments attempting to combine magic with what?
A. Art
B. Science
C. Time travel


27. Sherlock Holmes and Watson survived a battle with whose men when they tried to torch the lab?
A. The US ambassador’s men
B. The home secretary’s men
C. Blackwood’s men


28. Sherlock Holmes was taken to the temple of what?
A. Four orders
B. Five orders
C. Two orders


29. The leaders of their magical fraternity asked Sherlock Holmes to stop Blackwood, a former member of the society and Sir Thomas’s?
A. Biological son
B. Adopted son
C. Illegitimate son


30. Who drowned in his bath at the watch of Blackwood?
A. Sir James
B. Sir Thomas
C. Sir John


31. Who was the person that called the meeting of the order?
A. Lord Thomas
B. Lord Coward
C. Lord James


32. Who was the person that was nominated to take the place of Lord Thomas?
A. Blackwood
B. Sherlock
C. Watson


33. Blackwood’s intention as he revealed to the order was to control which empire?
A. The United States
B. British Empire
C. Spanish Empire


34. Blackwood also revealed that he was set to conquer which country?
A. Netherlands
B. Scotland
C. The United States


35. Who attempted to shoot Blackwood at the meeting?
A. Standish
B. Coward
C. Sherlock


36. Who fell to this death while trying to kill Blackwood?
A. Coward
B. Standish
C. Watson


37. Lord Coward issued an arrest warrant for the arrest of which person?
A. Blackwood
B. Watson
C. Sherlock Holmes


38. Sherlock Holmes started studying which thing to deduce how the Order operates?
A. Rituals of the order
B. Operations of the order
C. Lifestyles of the order


39. When Holmes could now recognize the Order’s symbols, he deduced their next target to be which people?
A. All the country’s mayors
B. All the country’s member of the Parliament
C. All the country’s chief judges


40. Who was the person that helped Sherlock Holmes to fake his arrest?
A. Lestrade
B. Westrade
C. Lord Coward


41. Which possession of Lord Coward did Sherlock Holmes use to deduce the actions of Blackwood?
A. His shoes
B. His rings
C. His clothes


42. Sherlock Holmes used the evidence he found from Lord Coward to deduce that Blackwood has conducted a ceremony in the sewers beneath where?
A. Palace of Westminster
B. Palace of Buckingham
C. Palace of Westmoreland


43. What were Blackwood’s men guarding at the sewers?
A. A sniper
B. A cyanide device
C. A drone


44. What Blackwood’s men were guarding was based on whose experiment?
A. Sherlock
B. Adler
C. Reordan


45. Blackwood’s men were guarding to kill which people?
A. Sherlock’s men
B. Members of the Parliament
C. Adler’s men


46. What were Blackwood’s men given to prevent them from dying?
A. Antidote
B. Mask
C. Shield


47. The cyanide device of Blackwood is controlled by what?
A. A switch button
B. A rope switch
C. A remote


48. Who was the person that deactivated the cyanide device?
A. Adler
B. Sherlock
C. Watson


49. As Blackwood fled the Parliament building, he saw Sherlock Holmes chasing who?
A. Watson
B. Adler
C. Lord Coward


50. When Blackwood saw Sherlock chasing a person, what did he do?
A. Join in the chase
B. Run away
C. Hide from Sherlock


51. Where did Blackwood arrive to fight Sherlock Holmes?
A. Tower Bridge
B. Palace of Westminster
C. Radio Tower


52. While fighting Sherlock Holmes, Blackwood fell off the bridge, and what happened?
A. His bone broke to pieces
B. His blood splattered everywhere
C. His head entangled with rope and was hanged


53. What was the name of Adler’s employer?
A. Professor Matanzas
B. Professor Moriarty
C. Professor Martin


54. While explaining to Sherlock Holmes about her employer, what was the tone of Adler?
A. Warning
B. Harshness
C. Tenderness


55. Adler told Sherlock Holmes her employer is not to be?
A. Overestimated
B. Overrated
C. Underestimated


56. What was the detailed description of Watson Street?
A. 221B Bakers Street
B. 331B Bakers Street
C. 441B Bakers Street


57. The police reported to Watson and Holmes that a police officer was found near Blackwood’s?
A. House
B. Car
C. Device


58. What was the state of the police officer?
A. Alive
B. Dead
C. Almost dead


59. Moriarty used the confrontations with Adler and who as a diversion?
A. Watson
B. Blackwood
C. Sherlock


60. What was the importance of the component that Professor Moriarty took from Blackwood’s device?
A. Key component
B. Minor component
C. Useless component


61. At the end of the film, Holmes looked forward to the new case and his new?
A. Car
B. House
C. Adversary


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