61 Pirates of the Caribbean Trivia Questions and Answers

Pirates of the Caribbean Trivia Questions and Answers

Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the famous pirate movies of all time that set the pace for modern pirate movies.  The following trivia game that we have created will help you remember interesting scenes and actions in this interesting movie and also help to uncover some interesting facts you missed in the movie. Sit back and enjoy this Pirates of the Caribbean trivia game because you will find out soon that this trivia game is as fun as the movie itself. Check the correct answers by clicking on the “Show Answer” button.

Photo: Disney

1. What is the name of the company that produced the pirate of the Caribbean based on Walt Disney’s theme park?
A. Jerry Bruckheimer films
B. Marvel Studios
C. 20th Century Movies


2. Jack Sparrow is considered as what personality?
A. Negative
B. Conventional
C. Eccentric


3. What is the name of the first film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series?
A. Curse of the Black Pearl
B. Stranger Tides in London
C. At the World’s End


4. What is the last name of Elizabeth?
A. Sill
B. Swan
C. Saul



5. The Pirates of the Caribbean movie is based on what?
A. Disney ride
B. Marvel amusement park
C. A book


6. Elizabeth is a former ally of which character?
A. Barbossa
B. Aguilar
C. Jack sparrow


7. Jack sparrow handgun was __________  handgun?
A. Rubber
B. Real
C. Wood


8. Who accompanied Jack to steal a royal navy ship?
A. Will
B. Elizabeth
C. Barbossa


9. Which pirate port did Jack and his crew take the stolen ship to?
A. Barcelona
B. Portugal
C. Tortuga


10. When was the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides act?
A. 2010
B. 2011
C. 2013


11. What was the requirement to remove the curse on Barbossa?
A. Death
B. Payment
C. Blood sacrifice


12. What was the age bracket of Will Turner?
A. Young man
B. Old age
C. Middle aged


13. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest was aired in which year?
A. 2007
B. 2006
C. 2005


14. Johnny Depp created the pirates to look like?
A. Modern-day rock stars
B. Modern-day Pirates
C. Modern-day madmen


Photo: Disney

15. What did Arenberg say about the Curse of the Black Pearl that made fans send him mayonnaise?
A. I hate mayonnaise
B. Mayonnaise
C. I love mayonnaise


16. What game did Will play with Davy Jones and Bootstrap Bill in Dead Man’s Chest?
A. Chess
B. Dice
C. Hide and seek


17. What did they use as their bet when Will was playing with Davy Jones and Bootstrap Bill in Dead Man’s Chest?
A. Souls
B. Money
C. Food



18. How many times did Will, Jones, and Bill roll all the dice?
A. Five times
B. Once
C. Twice


19. What are the total minutes of all the 5 movies in the franchise?
A. 826 minutes
B. 700 minutes
C. 726 minutes


20. Which country’s navy did Jack Sparrow want to save?
A. British
B. Spanish
C. Italian


21. What is the environmental setting of the movie?
A. Mediterranean
B. Caribbean
C. Western Europe


22. When was At World’s End released by the producers?
A. 2009
B. 2005
C. 2007


23. Who teamed up with Jack Sparrow to save the love of his life?
A. Erenberg
B. Will Turner
C. Bill


24. Who was the leader of the cursed Pirates that was Jack’s mutinous former first mate?
A. Hector
B. Will Turner
C. Curtler


25. What is the name of Blacksmith Will Turner’s love?
A. Lisa
B. Caroline
C. Elizabeth


26. What is the name of the person that Jack wanted to revenge against?
A. Elliot
B. Barbossa
C. Turner


27. Who arrested Will and Elizabeth?
A. Lord Cutler Beckett
B. Barbossa
C. Jones


28. What is the name of the person that stole Jack’s ship and left him stranded on the island?
A. Jones
B. Barbossa
C. Will Turner


29. How many pieces of cursed Aztec Gold did Barbossa take with him?
A. 923 pieces
B. 567 pieces
C. 882 pieces


30. Which company does Lord Cutler work for?
A. East India trading company
B. West India trading company
C. North India trading company


Photo: Disney

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31. What did Lord Cutler offer Will if he agreed to search for Jack’s compass in a bid to find the Dead Man’s Chest?
A. Money
B. Ships
C. Clemency


32. Lord Cutler Beckett needed the Dead Man’s Chest and the heart of villainous Davy Jones to Haun center of what?
A. Island
B. Seas
C. Jack


33. How many years was Jack Sparrow the captain of the Black Pearl?
A. 13 years
B. 14 years
C. 15 years


34. Who helped Lord Beckett to gain power over Davy Jones?
A. Will Turner
B. Jack
C. Flying Dutchman


35. What was Lord Beckett planning to extinguish?
A. Piracy
B. Betting
C. Jack’s power


36. What was the position of Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and the crew of the Black Pearl towards the East India Trading Company?
A. Against them
B. Lukewarm
C. Working for them


37. Who rescued Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones’ Locker?
A. Will Turner and Elizabeth
B. Barbossa and the crew of the Black Pearl
C. All of the above


38. Captain Jack Sparrow was one of which group?
A. Eight Pirates lords
B. Nine Pirates lords
C. Ten Pirates lords


39. Jack Sparrow was needed by his group to release who?
A. Elizabeth
B. Ancient goddess
C. Ancient Greek god


40. Who did Jack sparrow cross parts with in his quest?
A. His former lover
B. His mother
C. His sister


41. What is the name of Angelica’s father?
A. Pirate Bay
B. Pirate bunker
C. Pirate black beard


42. Who was the person that forced Jack to enter a pirate ship in his quest?
A. Angelica
B. Elizabeth
C. Caroline


43. Captain Jack Sparrow was on a quest to find what?
A. Fountain of old
B. Fountain of youth
C. Fountain of pearl


44. What is the name of the ship that Angelica forced Jack to enter?
A. Queen Anne’s Revenge
B. Ancient creek
C. Black pearl


45. What was the rank of Barbossa in King George II’s Navy?
A. General
B. Colonel
C. Private


46. King George II’s Navy was fighting against the?
A. Italian
B. Spanish
C. Greek


47. According to the prophecy, who was supposed to kill Angelica’s father?
A. One-legged man
B. One hand man
C. One ear man


48. What is the name of Jack Sparrow’s old nemesis?
A. Captain Barbossa
B. Captain Armando Salazar
C. Captain Ceaser Flint


49. What did Jack seek to survive death?
A. Barbossa
B. Pyramids of Egypt
C. Trident of Poseidon


50. What was the power of the Trident of Poseidon?
A. Control the seas and tides
B. Control aquatic animals and break curses
C. All of the above


51. Who was the leader of the Spanish royal navy?
A. Jack Sparrow
B. Captain Armando Salazar
C. Captain Hector


52. The Spanish royal navy escaped from what?
A. Devil’s triangle
B. Devil’s home
C. Devil’s locker


53. What was the goal of Captain Armando Salazar?
A. To kill Jack Sparrow only
B. To kill Jack sparrow and every pirate
C. To kill every pirate and spare Jack Sparrow


54. What was the appearance of the Spanish Royal Navy?
A. Black
B. Rock star
C. Ghostly


55. Which accent does the character Davy Jones have?
A. Spanish
B. Scottish
C. Dutch


56. How many minutes was Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End?
A. 169 minutes
B. 158 minutes
C. 167 minutes


57. How many of the main characters came down to meet for a parlay in the strip of land?
A. Six
B. Four
C. Three


58. What animal did Barbossa have?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Monkey


59. In which movie did Johnny Depp severely injure his finger?
A. At world’s end
B. Dead Men Tell No Tales
C. Curse of the black pearl


60. What was the relationship between Barbossa and Jack?
A. Brother
B. Cousin
C. Former ship captain


61. What was the location of the island that was used to film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest?
A. Dominic
B. Spain
C. Italy


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