Boost your family’s unity and give your family hours of stimulating entertainment with interesting and fun family trivia questions and answers. We have created this trivia quiz around holidays, mothers, fathers, kids’ questions, and extended family.
This fun family trivia questions and answers can be played on your family game night or when traveling in the car with your family, or at a gathering of family and friends.
1. The first country that celebrated mothers day as an official holiday?
Answer: England
2. Which type of family consists of husband, wife, and children?
Answer: nuclear family
3. What does a red rose signify on Father’s day?
Answer: A living father
4. A family with more than two wives is?
Answer: a polygamous family
5. Which year did America recognize mothers day as an official holiday?
Answer: 1914
6. Which plant is the fastest growing plant?
Answer: Bamboo
7. In England, mother’s day is also known as?
Answer: mothering Sunday
8. In the United States, which month has the highest birth month?
Answer: August
9. When is fathers day celebrated?
Answer: The third Sunday of June
10. In which year was the first father’s day celebrated?
Answer: 1910
11. Which place was the first father’s day celebrated?
Answer: Washington
12. Who is credited for founding fathers’ day?
Answer: Sonora Smart
13. How many legs does a spider have?
Answer: eight
14. What Is the color of an emerald?
Answer: green
15. Which place can a family go to see animals?
Answer: zoo
16. What colors are the stars in the American flag?
Answer: white
17. How many planets are there in the solar system?
Answer: eight
18. Which fruits do kids traditionally give to teachers?
Answer: an apple
19. Can you name Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?
Answer: Minnie Mouse
20. The state that is famous for Hollywood is?
Answer: California
21. What do bees make?
Answer: honey
22. Which month are babies born the most in the UK?
Answer: September
23. Who is the first mother according to the bible?
Answer: Eve
24. The celebration of the mother can be traced to where?
Answer: ancient Greece
25. Which day had the highest birth rate in the US?
Answer: Tuesday
26. Which President proclaimed the celebration of fathers day?
Answer: Lyndon Johnson
27. Father’s day ranks in what position according to Hallmark’s data of the most sold cards?
Answer: 5th
28. Which item do fathers receive the most during fathers day?
Answer: necktie
29. Stevie Wonder sang which song for his newborn daughter?
Answer: Isn’t she lovely
30. The average age for first-time fathers in the US is?
Answer: 30.9 years
31. Another name for Santa Claus is?
Answer: Father Christmas
32. What type of cat is considered bad luck?
Answer: black cats
33. Who wrote hamlet?
Answer: William Shakespeare
34. The fastest land animal is?
Answer: cheetah
35. On the farm, what is a kid?
Answer: a baby goat
36. What color are smurfs?
Answer: blue
37. Batman’s crime-fighting partner is?
Answer: Robin
38. Single fathers in the United States are estimated to be how many in number?
Answer: 2 million
39. Which famous cartoon character was created by a father to his son?
Answer: Winnie the Pooh
40. Which Catholic feast is for honoring fathers?
Answer: Saint Joseph’s day
41. Who is known for eating his own children in Greek mythology?
Answer: Kronos
42. The odds of a woman giving birth to twins are?
Answer: 1 in 33
43. Which state in the US is known as “The mother of presidents”?
Answer: Virginia
44. The average pregnancy lasts for how many weeks?
Answer: 40 weeks
45. Your father’s or mother’s brother is your what?
Answer: uncle
46. Your fathers or mother’s sister is your what?
Answer: aunt
47. The child of your aunt or uncle is your what?
Answer: cousin
48. The father of your grandfather is your what?
Answer: great grandfather
49. Who did Will Smith call uncle in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
Answer: Philip Banks
50. The state in the US that is the first to celebrate mother’s day is?
Answer: West Virginia
51. The son of your sister is your what?
Answer: nephew
52. The daughter of your sister or brother is your what?
Answer: niece
53. The only fruit that has seeds on the outside is?
Answer: Strawberries
54. Made of almond paste, which cake is traditionally for mothers day?
Answer: simnel cake
55. Which woman started the tradition of mothers day in the US?
Answer: Anna Jarvis
56. The oldest recorded first-time mother gave birth at what age?
Answer: 74 years
57. The tallest tree in the world is?
Answer: California redwoods
58. In which industry is mother’s day the busiest?
Answer: restaurant
59. If your father should remarry, what is his wife to you?
Answer: stepmother
60. If your mom should remarry, what is her husband to you?
Answer: step father
61. When a child is adopted, is he legally a son or daughter to the person that adopted him or her?
Answer: yes
62. A family that consists of parents, children, aunt, uncle, and other relatives is of what type?
Answer: extended family
63. Which American president made fathers day a federal holiday?
Answer: Richard Nixon
64. How many years did it take for fathers day to become a public holiday after mother’s day in the US?
Answer: 58 years
65. Peter Griffin is among the characters in the popular comedy show “Family Guy”, true or false?
Answer: true
66. Which marine animal father is known to become pregnant and give birth to children?
Answer: seahorse
67. The most purchased gift for mothers day is?
Answer: greeting cards
68. Who is the mother gods in Greek mythology?
Answer: Rhea
69. Which popular British girl pop band sang “Mama”?
Answer: Spice girls
70. The highest number of children born to one mother is?
Answer: 69
71. Which type of fish father keeps eggs in his mouth until they hatch?
Answer: catfish
Hope you and your family enjoyed these family trivia questions and answers. Please leave a comment below and share if you like the content. Check out 89 Fun and Interesting Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids and 101 General Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers – Part 1 here