86 Fun Movie Trivia Questions and Answers

Movie Trivia Questions and Answers

Are you a movie freak? Well, get set to be entertained and blown away by this trivia game as we have carefully put together a good mix of easy, medium, and hard movie trivia questions.

1. Trivia Question: In the Matrix, which pill did Neo take Red or Blue?


2. Trivia Question: The name of the skyscraper in Die Hard is called what?

Nakatomi Plaza

3. Trivia Question: Steven Spielberg won his first Oscar for Best Director in which movie?

Schindler’s list


4. Trivia Question: What is the name of the person that played Martin Luther King Jr. in the 2014 biopic Selma?

David Oyelowo

5. Trivia Question: Which Hollywood movie star plays himself in Zombieland?

Bill Murray

6. Trivia Question: What is the name of the only actor to receive an Oscar nomination for acting in a Lord of the Rings movie?

Ian McKellen

7. Trivia Question: What is the name of the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time?


8. Trivia Question: Charlie Chaplin’s most famous, recurring character is called what?

“The Tramp”

9. Trivia Question: What is the name of the first actor to play Jack Ryan on screen?

Alec Baldwin

10. Trivia Question: What is the name of the person that played the “Unsinkable” Molly Brown in Titanic?

Kathy Bates

11. Trivia Question: Which movie holds the record for the highest-grossing foreign-language film at the U.S. box office?

The Passion of the Christ

12. Trivia Question: What is the name of the person that wrote the screenplay for Rocky?

Sylvester Stallone

13. Trivia Question: What is the name of the only person ever to receive an Oscar nomination for acting in a Star Wars movie?

Alec Guinness

14. Trivia Question: What is the name of the American director that won an Oscar for helming Forrest Gump?

Robert Zemeckis

15. Trivia Question: Arnold Schwarzenegger made his debut in which 1970 movie?

Hercules in New York

16. Trivia Question: Which movie was first ever rated PG-13?

Red Dawn (1984)


17. Trivia Question: What is the name of the current highest-grossing movie of all time?

Avengers Endgame

18. Trivia Question: What is the name of the only ‘X’-rated film to win Best Picture at the Oscars?

Midnight Cowboy

19. Trivia Question: What is the name of the person that played the role of detective Rick Deckard in Blade Runner?

Harrison Ford

20. Trivia Question: What is the name of the first and only woman of color to win the Oscar for Best Actress?

Halle Berry

21. Trivia Question: Meryl Streep has won how many Oscars?


22. Trivia Question: Riley’s imaginary friend in Inside Out is called what?

Bing Bong

23. Trivia Question: What is the name of the person that played the role of Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist?

Linda Blair

24. Trivia Question: What is the name of the first African American to win the Academy Award for best actor?

Sidney Poitier

25. Trivia Question: The Academy awards is nicknamed what?

The Oscars

26. Trivia Question: Sean Connery starred in the James Bond movie Dr. No in which year?


27. Trivia Question: The Schindler’s List won how many academy awards?


28. Trivia Question: Which movies did Tom Hanks receive an Academy Award for Best Actor?

Philadelphia (1994) & Forrest Gump (1995)

29. Trivia Question: C-3PO speak in Star Wars can approximately speak how many languages?

Six Million

30. Trivia Question: Name the first actress to ever win an Academy Award?

Janey Gaynor

31. Trivia Question: What is the name of the actress that has won the most Academy Awards in history?

Katherine Hepburn with 4 Academy Awards

32. Trivia Question: What is the name of the highest-grossing animated film in history?

Frozen 2

33. Trivia Question: What is the name of the actress that won an Oscar for her first film role in Mary Poppins?

Julie Andrews

34. Trivia Question: Indiana Jones’ weapon of choice is known as what?

A Whip

35. Trivia Question: Jim Carrey’s first film was released in which year?


36. Trivia Question: What was the name of the first solo female host of the Oscars?

Whoopi Goldberg

37. Trivia Question: What is the name of the actor that starred in the 1961 movie The Hustler?

Paul Newman

38. Trivia Question: The Academy Awards were first presented in which year?


39. Trivia Question: The movie “A Star is Born” has been remade how many times?

Four times

40. Trivia Question: In the movie “Notebook”, which year did Noah and Ally meet?


41. Trivia Question: The entire trilogy of the Lord of the Rings was filmed where?

New Zealand

42. Trivia Question: Kate Hudson was how old in the movie “Almost Famous”?


43. Trivia Question: Goodwill hunting was released in which year?


44. Trivia Question: Which animal was first seen in Disney’s The Lion King?


45. Trivia Question: In Mary Poppins, what are the names of the children?

Jane & Michael Banks

46. Trivia Question: Saving Private Ryan was nominated for how many Oscars?


47. Trivia Question: Who was the director of the Horror movie Psycho?

Alfred Hitchcock

48. Trivia Question: Who was the director of When Harry met Sally?

Rob Reiner

49. Trivia Question: Ferris Beuller’s Day Off was released in what year?


50. Trivia Question: Miss Celie had how many children in the Color Purple?


51. Trivia Question: Bender was in detention in the movie Breakfast Club because of what?

He pulled a false alarm.

52. Trivia Question: The Von Trapp Family has many children in the sound of music movies?


53. Trivia Question: Catherine Martin wears which dress size in the silence of the lambs?


54. Trivia Question: Scarlett O’Hara’s first name in the movie Gone With the Wind is known as what?


55. Trivia Question: Which year did Jenny die in the film, Forrest Gump?


56. Trivia Question: Who played the role of Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump?

Gary Sinise

57. Trivia Question: The movie Shawshank Redemption was released in which year?


58. Trivia Question: What is the name of the actor that starred as Deadpool in Marvel’s Deadpool?

Ryan Reynolds

59. Trivia Question: What is the name of the actor that received an Oscar for playing the role of the Joker?

Joaquin Phoenix

60. Trivia Question: The Proposal took place in which part of Alaska?


61. Trivia Question: What is the name of the 2018 movie that saw actor John Krasinski starring alongside his real-life wife, Emily Blunt?

A Quiet Place

62. Trivia Question: Anne Hathaway dropped how much weight in other to portray Fantine in the 2012 film Les Misérables?

25 lbs.

63. Trivia Question: What is the name of the actor that starred in the role of Ennis Del Mar in the film Brokeback Mountain?

Heath Ledger

64. Trivia Question: Poe’s adopted father, Mr. Ping, is called what in King Fu Panda?

A Goose

65. Trivia Question: What was the name of the person that directed the movie Get Out?

Jordan Peele

66. Trivia Question: The quote, “I felt it. Perfect. I was perfect.” was a line from which movie?

Black Swan

67. Trivia Question: What is the name of the person that played the voice of the Genie in Disney’s Aladdin?

Robin Williams

68. Trivia Question: In the movie Black Panther, how many tribes originally settled in Wakanda?


69. Trivia Question: T’Challa’s suit in Black Panther was able to store what?

Kinetic Energy

70. Trivia Question: In the Hunger Games Trilogy, how many fingers do they hold up as a form of salute?


71. Trivia Question: In the movie Speed, what is the number on the roof of the bus?


72. Trivia Question: Name the first sports film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture?


73. Trivia Question: The name of the young girl in the film Jurassic Park is called what?

Lex Murphy

74. Trivia Question: What is the name of the war movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2009?

The Hurt Locker

75. Trivia Question: What was the last name of Edward and his family in the Twilight series?


76. Trivia Question: Which movie did actor Brad Pitt star as David Mills?


77. Trivia Question: Name the four houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter series?

Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, & Hufflepuff

78. Trivia Question: The movie Pulp Fiction was released in what year?


79. Trivia Question: Which movie featured a woman being decapitated in a car?

Urban Legend

80. Trivia Question: Norman’s hobby in Psycho is called what?

A taxidermist

81. Trivia Question: In the movie Finding Nemo, Dory suffers from what?

Short term memory loss

82. Trivia Question: Mickey mice have how many fingers?

Four (three fingers and a thumb)

83. Trivia Question: What is the name of Miguel’s idol in Coco?

Ernesto de la Cruz

84. Trivia Question: Mufasa’s trusted advisor in The Lion King is called what?


85. Trivia Question: What is the name of Harry Potter’s Godfather?

Sirius Black

86. Trivia Question: Name the main female character in The Terminator?


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