87 Fun Random Trivia Questions and Answers

Random Trivia Questions and Answers

Which food was used in the production of bombs during World War II? Get Ready to be thrilled with interesting random trivia questions that will leave you wiser and happier. We have carefully put together a good mix of easy, medium, and hard random trivia questions that your will definitely love. These trivia questions are error-free and simple to read, perfect to play with family, friends, and colleagues, or to play alone when you are bored or stressed. Check out  Part 2 of Fun Random Trivia Questions and Answers 

1. Trivia Question:  how many bones can be found in the human body? A. 501 B. 206 C. 157


2. Trivia Question: How long does it take an Ostrich eggs to boil on average? A. 2 hours B. 10 mins C. 5 hours

2 hours

3. Trivia Question: Which of the following bird was once used to deliver Olympics result in Ancient Greece? A. Pigeons B. Parrot C. Dove



4. Trivia Question: Which artist holds the Guinness World Record for Most Words in a Single song? A. Eminem B. 2 Pack C. Cardi B


5. Trivia Question: Which food was used in the production of bombs during World War II? A. Rice B. Coconut C. Bacon


6. Trivia Question: Which of the following is the oldest city in the world? A. Aleppo, Syria B. Athens, Greece C. Beirut, Lebanon

Aleppo, Syria.

7. Trivia Question: Which of the following State in the United States has a Spanish motto? A. Colorado B. Montana C. Texas


8. Trivia Question: The world’s most venomous fish is called what? A. Tigerfish B. Red Lionfish C. Stonefish

The Stonefish

9. Trivia Question: How old is the world’s oldest illustrated book? A. 4,000 years old. B. 900 years old. C. 9,000 years old.

4,000 years old.

10. Trivia Question: A dog has how many scent receptors in its nose? A. 300 million B. 1.5 million C. 5.5 million

300 million

11. Trivia Question: Human footprints don’t disappear in the moon, True or False?


12. Trivia Question: Name the country that consumes the most chocolate per capita? A. Switzerland B. Canada C. United States


13. Trivia Question: A  season spent in Planet Uranus equals how many years on earth? A. A year B. 21 years C. 7 years

21 years

14. Trivia Question: Which of the following states in the US don’t observe daylight saving time/extend daylight time? A. Hawaii B.New York C. Colorado


15. Trivia Question: The smallest bone in the human body is called what? A. Frontal B. Stapes C. Clavicle

The Stapes

16. Trivia Question: Name the country with the oldest continuously used flag? A. Denmark B. Russia C. Germany



17. Trivia Question: Name the state in the United States that produces almost half of American’s rice? A. Texas B. Arkansas C.Colorado


18. Trivia Question: What is the name of the loudest animal on the planet? A. Sperm Whale B. Lion C. Elephant

The Sperm Whale

19. Trivia Question: Which of these planets in our solar system doesn’t have moons? A. Mars B. Mercury  C. Saturn


See also  81 Interesting General Trivia Quiz of The Day

20. Trivia Question: What is the estimated number of trees found on earth? A. 3 Trillion B. 15 Billion  C. 505 Billion

3 Trillion

21. Trivia Question: Name the weakest bone in the body? A. Frontal B. Stapes C. Clavicle


22. Trivia Question: Name the first animated movie to be nominated for Best Picture at the academy awards? A. Toy Story B. Beauty and the Beast C. Spider-Man

Beauty and the Beast

23. Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest county by area in the United States? A. San Bernardino County B. Los Angeles County C.Baltimore city

San Bernardino County

24. Trivia Question: Baby owls are often referred to as what? A. Owlets B. Chicks C. Owlchick

Owlets or Nestlings

25. Trivia Question: On average, how many hours does it take for food to pass through the human body? A. 8 hours B. 23 hours C.53 hours

53 hours

26. Trivia Question: The space between windows is called what? A. Jamb B. Sash C.Interfenestration


27. Trivia Question: The species of Parrots that can’t fly are called what? A. The Kakapo B. Night Parrot  C. Gery Parrot

The Kakapo

28. Trivia Question: The driest place in the world is located where? A. Atacama Desert Chile B. Sahara Desert C. Aoulef, Algeria

The Atacama Desert in Chile

29. Trivia Question: The scientific name for the fear of cooking is called what? A. Acrophobia B. Mageirocophobia C.Cynophobia


30. Trivia Question: At what speed does the earth spin? A. 1,000 Miles Per Hour B. 800 Miles Per Hour  C. 70 Miles Per Hour

1,000 Miles Per Hour

31. Trivia Question: How many planets are in our solar system? A. 9 B. 8 C. 7


32. Trivia Question: The most common birthday date in the United States is? A. September 9 B. May 9 C. November 7

September 9

33. Trivia Question: Name the country with the most freshwater? A. Brazil B. China C. Nigeria


34. Trivia Question: How hot is the Sun’s surface? A. 5,778 K B. 15,970 K C. 1,176 K

5,778 K

35. Trivia Question: On average, how much does a single cloud weigh? A. 567, 000 pounds  B. 1.1 million pounds C. 2.1 million pounds

1.1 million pounds

36. Trivia Question: Pigs were first domesticated how many years ago? A. 9,000 years ago B. 900 years ago C. 1,500 years ago

9,000 years ago

37. Trivia Question: What is the total number of the kinds of apples that are grown across the globe? A. 9,000  B. 1,200 C. 7,500


38. Trivia Question: What does anatidaephobia mean? A. fear of ants  B. fear of dog C.The fear that a duck is watching you.

The fear that a duck is watching you.

39. Trivia Question: What is a group of toads called? A. A Knot  B. Swarm C. Colony

A Knot

40. Trivia Question: Which country is often referred to as the “Land of a thousand smiles”? A. Thailand  B. Singapore C. New Zealand


41. Trivia Question: How long does it take light to travel from the sun to earth? A. 57 Seconds  B. 1 hour C. 8 minutes

8 minutes

See also  101 General Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers-Part3

42. Trivia Question: Name the world’s largest national park as of 2022? A. Death Valley National Park  B. Northeast Greenland National Park C. Wood Buffalo National Park

Northeast Greenland National Park

43. Trivia Question: The tiny plastic piece at the end of a shoelace is called what? A. An Aglet  B. Lace tip C. Eyelet

An Aglet

44. Trivia Question: The tallest breeds of dogs in the world are? A. Irish Wolfhound  B. German Shepherd C.Rottweiler

Irish Wolfhound

45. Trivia Question: What is the total number of ribs found in the human body? A. 32  B. 28 C. 24


46. Trivia Question: Name the smallest ocean in the world? A. The Southern Ocean  B. Indian Ocean C. The Arctic

The Arctic

47. Trivia Question: The most common color of eyes found amongst humans is? A. Blue  B. Black C. Brown


48. Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest type of Deer? A. Sambar B. Elk C. Moose

The Moose

49. Trivia Question: What is the lowest rank of a US soldier? A. Private B. Corporal C. Private first class


50. Trivia Question: While playing for the Chicago Bulls, how many NBA Championships did Michael Jordan win? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6


51. Trivia Question: Name of the country that produces the most coffee in the world? A. Brazil B. India C. Colombia


52. Trivia Question: How many hearts does an octopus have? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3


53. Trivia Question: A bee has how many eyes? A. 2 B. C. 3


54. Trivia Question: The first-ever Wimbledon Championship was held in which year? A. 1877 B. 1987 C. 1897


55. Trivia Question: The name of the hottest planet in our solar system is called what? A. Mercury B. Jupiter C. Venus


56. Trivia Question: Which of the mammals have no vocal cords? A. Whales B. Rat C. Giraffe


57. Trivia Question: What type of music has been shown over time to aid the growth of plants? A. Reggae B. Classical Music C. Hip hop

Classical Music

58. Trivia Question: In the US, most power outages are usually caused by what? A. Wind B. Monkey C. Squirrels


59. Trivia Question: Which City in the US is often referred to as the City of Brotherly Love? A. Philadelphia B. Houston C. Chicago


60. Trivia Question: The sea of tranquility is located where? A. The moon B. Pluto C. Mars

The moon

61. Trivia Question: Scissor weas invented by who? A. Leonardo Da Vinci B. Louis Pasteur C. Thomas Edison

Leonardo Da Vinci

62. Trivia Question: How many countries are in the world as of 2021? A. 191 B. 201 C. 195


63. Trivia Question: The most common letter in the English alphabet is what? A. B.C.


64. Trivia Question: In Florida, which of the following animal is constitutionally protected when pregnant? A. Cows B. Pigs C. Horses


See also  101 General Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers – Part 2

65. Trivia Question: Which 2 planets in our solar system literally rains diamond? A. Mercury and Venus B. Mars and Uranus C. Saturn and Jupiter

Saturn and Jupiter

66. Trivia Question: Which country does Saudi Arabia import camels from? A. Australia B. Egypt C. Algeria


67. Trivia Question: A community of ants is called what? A. A Colony B. Swarm C. knot

A Colony

68. Trivia Question: How many countries are in Europe in 2021 according to the United Nation? A. 44 B. 41 C. 38


69. Trivia Question: How many countries are in Africa as of 2022? A. 49 B. 50 C. 54


70. Trivia Question: Which year did first world war start? A. 1914 B. 1918 C. 1919


71. Trivia Question: The group of Priests who elects the Pope are called? A. Bishops B. Popes C. Cardinals


72. Trivia Question: Which country has the highest population in the world as of 2022? A. India B. China C. United States


73. Trivia Question: Who is the first human to step foot on the moon? A. Neil Armstrong B. Buzz Aldrin C. Pete Conrad

Neil Armstrong

74. Trivia Question: How many red stripes can be found on the American flag? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7


75. Trivia Question: Galileo was a native of which country? A. Italy B. Germany C. France


76. Trivia Question: Which country is the largest producer of apple in the world in 2022? A. Poland B. China C. Turkey


77. Trivia Question: Which is the largest country in Africa by area? A. South Africa B. Mali C. Algeria


78. Trivia Question: Adolf Hitler committed suicide in which City? A. Berlin B. Munich C. Hamburg


79. Trivia Question: Which country has won FIFA world cup most times? A. Brazil B. Spain C. Germany


80. Trivia Question: Which Country has the most vending machines per capita? A. China B. Japan C. United States


81. Trivia Question: The most populous city in the United States is what? A. New York City B. Los Angeles C. Chicago

New York City

82. Trivia Question: Which country produces largest amount of crude oil as of 2020? A. United States B. China C. India

United States

83. Trivia Question: Which year did world war 2 end? A. 1945 B. 1939 C. 1941


84. Trivia Question: Which blood type can serve as a universal donor? A. O Negative B. A Positive C. B Positive

O Negative

85. Trivia Question: The most abundant element in the universe is? A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Carbon


86. Trivia Question: What is the largest planet in our solar system? A. Earth B. Jupiter C. Mars


87. Trivia Question: A person who studies earthquakes is called? A. Seismologist B. Archaeologist C. Anthropologist


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